Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Hans Huber

edition type
time of origin
1903 to 1920
date of publication
December 2018
current document count/planned extent
153 of 153 (complete)

Sorry, there is currently no english version available.

Es ist noch kein Beschreibungstext verfügbar.

  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, prob. 13 March 1917)
    done D0100151
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, 31 March / 1 April 1917)
    done D0100150
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (Zurich, 2 April 1917)
    done D0100152
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Locarno, 13 April 1917)
    done D0100153
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (14 April 1917, prob. Zurich)
    done D0100154
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Locarno, 18 April 1917)
    build D0100184
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (Zurich, 20 April 1917)
    done D0100155
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, between 21 and 30 April 1917)
    done D0100156
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, between 4 and 11 May 1917)
    done D0100165
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (Zurich, 19 May 1917)
    done D0100157

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