• Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (between 13 and 19 December 1915, prob. Basel)
    build D0100185
  • Hugo Leichtentritt to Ferruccio Busoni (Berlin, 1 January 1916)
    done D0101505
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hugo Leichtentritt (Zurich, 9 January 1916)
    done D0101506
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hugo Leichtentritt (Zurich, 13 January 1916)
    done D0101507
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, prob. 17 January 1916)
    build D0100116
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (Basel, 20 January 1916)
    done D0100117
  • Ferruccio Busoni to Hans Huber (Zurich, 4 February 1916)
    done D0100118
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (between 20 January and 4 February 1916, prob. Basel)
    build D0100186
  • Hans Huber to Ferruccio Busoni (Basel, 5 February 1916)
    build D0100187
  • Hugo Leichtentritt to Ferruccio Busoni (Berlin, 7 February 1916)
    done D0101508

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