It is with profound
appreciation that I hear of
the noble plan of the “Gustav
Mahler Endowment” – and I
feel honored to have been
asked to join the Committee.
New Yorkers should welcome
the opportunity, it seems
to me, of showing their
gratitude that for three
never-to-be-forgotten seasons
we wer privileged to sit
under Mahler’s bâton. His
was a dominant, incisive
personality whose sharp
imprint on a listening
mind cannot soon be
effaced! To me he was
it is with profound
appreciation that I hear of
the noble plan of the “Gustav
Mahler Endowment” – and I
feel honored to have been
asked to join the committee.
New Yorkers should welcome
the opportunity, it seems
to me, of showing their
gratitude that for three
never-to-be-forgotten seasons
we wer privileged to sit
under Mahler’s bâton. His
was a dominant, incisive
personality whose sharp
imprint on a listening
mind cannot soon be
effaced! To me he was
like yourself, one of the
few GreatTeachers – those
whose influence is felt in
the art of others, an influence
too pervading to be always
fully recognized, and thus the
I do not know if it
was you or Mrs Mahler
who suggested me as a
member of the committee
– whose membership I know
must be very large – but
I want both you and her to
know how glad I am
to do what little I can
(and it may be all too
little) for this good cause
and for the memory of
Gustav Mahler. I am
writing to Mrs Mahler also,
addressing the letter simply
to Vienna which I trust
will reach her.
With heartiest greetings to you and to
your dear wife, your sincere friend, and pupil,
<div xmlns="" type="split">
<salute>My dear <rs key="E0300017">friend and <soCalled rend="dq-uu">Master</soCalled></rs>;</salute>
<p type="pre-split" rend="indent-3-first"><choice><orig>I</orig><reg>i</reg></choice>t is with profound
<lb/>appreciation that I hear of
<lb/>the noble plan of the <orgName key="E0600243" rend="dq-uu"><persName key="E0300047">Gustav
<lb/>Mahler</persName> Endowment</orgName> – and I
<lb/>feel honored to have been
<lb/>asked to join the <choice><orig>C</orig><reg>c</reg></choice>ommittee.
<lb/><placeName key="E0500031">New Yorkers</placeName> should welcome
<lb/>the opportunity, it seems
<lb/>to me, of showing their
<lb/>gratitude that for three
<lb/>never-to-be-forgotten seasons
<lb/>we wer privileged to sit
<lb/>under <persName key="E0300047">Mahler’s</persName> <foreign xml:lang="fr">bâton</foreign>. His
<lb/>was a dominant, incisive
<lb/>personality whose sharp
<lb/>imprint on a listening
<lb/>mind cannot soon be
<lb/>effaced! To me he was
2Diplomatic transcription
onelike like yourself, one of the
few GreatTeachers – those
whose influence is felt in
the art of others, an influence
too pervading to be always
fully recognized., & thus the
I do not know if it
was you or Mrs Mahler who suggested me as a
member of the committee
– whose membership I know
must be very large – but
I want both you and her to
know how glad I am
to do what little I can
(and it may be all too
little) for this good cause
and for the memory of
Gustav Mahler. I am
writing to Mrs Mahler also,
addressing the letter simply
to Vienna which I trust
will reach her.
[left border, lengthwise:]
With heartiest greetings to you and to
your dear wife, your sincere friend, and pupil,
<div xmlns="" type="split"><p rend="indent-3-first" type="split">
<del rend="strikethrough">one</del> <del rend="strikethrough">like</del> like yourself, one of the
<lb/>few <hi rend="underline">Great</hi> <hi rend="underline">Teachers</hi> – those
<lb/>whose influence is felt in
<lb/>the art of others, an influence
<lb/>too pervading to be always
<lb/>fully recognized<del rend="strikethrough">.</del>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> thus the
<p rend="indent-2-first">I do not know if it
<lb/>was you or <persName key="E0300112">Mrs Mahler</persName>
<lb/>who suggested me as a
<lb/>member of the committee
<lb/>– whose membership I know
<lb/>must be very large – but
<lb/>I want both you and her to
<lb/>know how glad I am
<lb/>to do what little I can
<lb/>(and it may be all too
<lb/>little) for this good cause
<lb/>and for the memory of
<lb/><persName key="E0300047">Gustav Mahler</persName>. I am
<lb/>writing to <persName key="E0300112">Mrs Mahler</persName> also,
<lb/>addressing the letter simply
<lb/>to <placeName key="E0500002">Vienna</placeName> which I trust
<lb/>will reach her.</p>
<cb type="margin-left"/>
<salute>With heartiest greetings to you and to
<lb/><persName key="E0300059">your dear wife</persName>, your sincere friend, and pupil,</salute>
<signed rend="align(center) indent"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed>
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1354 | olim:
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 7
Letter by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., c. 1912), prepared by Christian Schaper, in: Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis, edited by Christian Schaper and Ullrich Scheideler, Berlin: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 2023: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, (October 31, 2023: unfinished)
Download a cleaned up reading version in the pdf file format (.pdf)
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="D0101910">
<title xml:lang="de">Brief von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., ca. 1912)</title><!-- überall auf NY zu ändern -->
<title xml:lang="en">Letter by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., c. 1912)</title>
<author key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</author>
<resp>Prepared by</resp>
<persName key="E0300314">
<resp>Digitization by</resp>
<orgName key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</orgName>
<publisher>Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher>
<date when-iso="2023-04"/>
<licence target="">Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<title type="main">Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften</title>
<title type="genre">Briefe</title>
<title type="subseries" key="E010012">Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis</title>
<editor key="E0300314">Christian Schaper</editor>
<editor key="E0300313">Ullrich Scheideler</editor>
<country key="DE">Deutschland</country>
<institution key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</institution>
<repository>Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv</repository>
<collection>Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni</collection>
<idno>Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1354</idno>
<idno type="D-B.olim">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 7</idno>
<summary><!--Zusammenfassung einfügen--></summary>
<docDate resp="#archive" sameAs="#arch_date"><date when-iso="1912" cert="high"/>[1912?]</docDate>
<incipit>It is with profound appreciation that I hear</incipit>
<measure type="folio">1 Blatt</measure>
<measure type="pages">2 beschriebene Seiten</measure>
<condition>Brief und Umschlag sind gut erhalten.</condition>
<handNote xml:id="major_hand" scope="major" medium="black_ink" scribe="author" scribeRef="#E0300818">Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive" scope="minor" medium="pencil" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen, eine Foliierung vorgenommen und das Briefdatum ergänzt hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive_red" scope="minor" medium="red_pen" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="dsb_st_red" scope="minor" medium="red_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="sbb_st_blue" scope="minor" medium="blue_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (blaue Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="post" scope="minor" medium="black_ink" scribe="postoffice">Poststempel (schwarze Tinte)</handNote>
<pb n="3"/>
<pb n="4"/>
<origPlace key="E0500890">Far Rockaway/N.Y.</origPlace><!-- auf NY zu ändern -->
<origDate when-iso="1912"/>
<p>Erfassung von Briefen und Schriften von Ferruccio Busoni, ausgehend von Busonis Nachlass in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz.</p>
<hyphenation eol="hard" rend="sh">
<p>Worttrennungen an Zeilenumbrüchen im Original mit einfachen Bindestrichen.</p>
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<p>Alle im Text vorkommenden Interpunktionszeichen wurden beibehalten und werden in der diplomatischen Umschrift wiedergegeben. Bei Auszeichnung durch XML-Elemente wurden umgebende Satzzeichen nicht mit einbezogen.</p>
<quotation marks="none">
<p>Anführungszeichen wurden i. d. R. nicht beibehalten; die Art der Zeichen wurde im Attribut <att>rend</att> der entsprechenden Elemente codiert.</p>
<p>Die Übertragung folgt den Editionsrichtlinien des Projekts. <ptr target=""/>
<correspDesc ref="">
<correspAction type="sent">
<persName ref="" key="E0300818">Curtis, Natalie</persName>
<date when="1912"/>
<placeName ref="" key="E0500890">Far Rockaway (New York)</placeName>
<correspAction type="received">
<persName ref="" key="E0300017">Busoni, Ferruccio</persName>
<ref type="previous" target="#D0101909"/>
<ref type="next" target="#D0101901"/>
<language ident="en"/>
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<change when-iso="2023-04-15" who="#E0300314">Datei per Skript angelegt, status todo</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-31" who="#E0300314">Bearbeitung übernommen, status unfinished</change>
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<text type="letter">
<div type="transcription">
<pb n="1"/>
<salute>My dear <rs key="E0300017">friend and <soCalled rend="dq-uu">Master</soCalled></rs>;</salute>
<p rend="indent-3-first"><choice><orig>I</orig><reg>i</reg></choice>t is with profound
<lb/>appreciation that I hear of
<lb/>the noble plan of the <orgName key="E0600243" rend="dq-uu"><persName key="E0300047">Gustav
<lb/>Mahler</persName> Endowment</orgName> – and I
<lb/>feel honored to have been
<lb/>asked to join the <choice><orig>C</orig><reg>c</reg></choice>ommittee.
<lb/><placeName key="E0500031">New Yorkers</placeName> should welcome
<lb/>the opportunity, it seems
<lb/>to me, of showing their
<lb/>gratitude that for three
<lb/>never-to-be-forgotten seasons
<lb/>we wer privileged to sit
<lb/>under <persName key="E0300047">Mahler’s</persName> <foreign xml:lang="fr">bâton</foreign>. His
<lb/>was a dominant, incisive
<lb/>personality whose sharp
<lb/>imprint on a listening
<lb/>mind cannot soon be
<lb/>effaced! To me he was
<pb n="2"/>
<del rend="strikethrough">one</del> <del rend="strikethrough">like</del> like yourself, one of the
<lb/>few <hi rend="underline">Great</hi> <hi rend="underline">Teachers</hi> – those
<lb/>whose influence is felt in
<lb/>the art of others, an influence
<lb/>too pervading to be always
<lb/>fully recognized<del rend="strikethrough">.</del>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> thus the
<p rend="indent-2-first">I do not know if it
<lb/>was you or <persName key="E0300112">Mrs Mahler</persName>
<lb/>who suggested me as a
<lb/>member of the committee
<lb/>– whose membership I know
<lb/>must be very large – but
<lb/>I want both you and her to
<lb/>know how glad I am
<lb/>to do what little I can
<lb/>(and it may be all too
<lb/>little) for this good cause
<lb/>and for the memory of
<lb/><persName key="E0300047">Gustav Mahler</persName>. I am
<lb/>writing to <persName key="E0300112">Mrs Mahler</persName> also,
<lb/>addressing the letter simply
<lb/>to <placeName key="E0500002">Vienna</placeName> which I trust
<lb/>will reach her.</p>
<cb type="margin-left"/>
<salute>With heartiest greetings to you and to
<lb/><persName key="E0300059">your dear wife</persName>, your sincere friend, and pupil,</salute>
<signed rend="align(center) indent"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed>