Ferruccio Busoni to Natalie Curtis arrow_backarrow_forward

Berlin · August 19, 1913

Diplomatic transcription
Reading version
Mus.ep. Busoni 65 (Busoni-Nachl. B I)
Mus. Nachl. F. Busoni B I, 514

Berlin W30, August 19th 1913
Victoria Luise Platz 11

Dear Miss Curtis,

I am trying to put
something together for
piano with orchestra on
indian motives. As
our conversations and
Your book have beenfurnished
„l’energie initiative“ to
of my experiment, I
take the liberty of asking
You to accept graciously
the dedication.

Berlin W30, August 19th 1913 Victoria Luise Platz 11

Dear Miss Curtis,

I am trying to put something together for piano with orchestra on indian motives. As our conversations and your book have furnished “l’energie initiative” to my experiment, I take the liberty of asking you to accept graciously the dedication.

The piece was at first planned as a common Rhapsody, but in the course of working it has developed itself into a kind of Suite, or smaller Concerto, of which the first movement has been completed today.

I hope very much that you will not refuse my tribute.

With many good greetings I am always yours affectionately,

Ferruccio Busoni

<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split"> <note type="shelfmark" place="top-left" resp="#archive"> <subst><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep. Busoni 65 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B I<handShift new="#arch_black"/>)</del><add place="below">Mus. Nachl. F. Busoni B I, 514</add></subst> </note> <note type="foliation" place="top-right" resp="#archive">[1]</note> <opener> <dateline> <lb/><seg rend="indent-3"><placeName key="E0500029">Berlin</placeName> W30, <date when-iso="1913-08-19">August 19<hi rend="sup">th</hi> 1913</date></seg> <lb/><seg rend="indent-3"><placeName key="E0500072">Victoria Luise Platz 11</placeName></seg> </dateline> <salute rend="indent-2">Dear <persName key="E0300818">Miss Curtis</persName>,</salute> </opener> <p> I am trying to put <lb/><title key="E0400120">something</title> together for <lb/>piano with orchestra on <lb/>indian motives. As <lb/>our conversations and <lb/><title key="E0400642"><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>our book</title> have <subst><del rend="overwritten">been</del><add place="across">furnished</add></subst> <lb/><mentioned rend="dq-du">l’energie initiative</mentioned> to <lb/><del rend="strikethrough">of</del> my experiment, I <lb/>take the liberty of asking <lb/><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou to accept graciously <lb/>the dedication. </p> <note type="stamp" place="center" resp="#dsb_st_red"> <stamp rend="round border align(center) small">Deutsche <lb/>Staatsbibliothek <lb/> <placeName key="E0500029"> <hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi> </placeName> </stamp> </note> </div>
2Diplomatic transcription
B I, 514

The piece was at first
planned as a common
Rhapsody, but in the
course of the working
it has developed itself
into a kind of Suite,
or smaller Concerto, of
which the first movement
has been completed today.

I hope very much
that You will not refuse
my tribute.

With many good greetings
I am always
Yours affectionately

Ferruccio Busoni

<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split"> <note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive">B I, 514</note> <note type="foliation" place="top-right" resp="#archive">[2]</note> <p> <title key="E0400120">The piece</title> was at first <lb/>planned as a common <lb/>Rhapsody, but in the <lb/>course of <del rend="strikethrough">the</del> working <lb/>it has developed itself <lb/>into a kind of Suite, <lb/>or smaller Concerto, of <lb/>which the first movement <lb/>has been completed today. </p> <p rend="indent-first"> I hope very much <lb/>that <choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou will not refuse <lb/>my tribute. </p> <closer> <salute rend="indent-first"> With many good greetings <lb/>I am always <lb/><seg rend="indent-2"><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ours affectionately<reg>,</reg></seg></salute> <signed rend="indent-2"><persName key="E0300017">Ferruccio Busoni</persName></signed> </closer> <note type="stamp" place="center" resp="#dsb_st_red"> <stamp rend="round border align(center) small">Deutsche <lb/>Staatsbibliothek <lb/> <placeName key="E0500029"> <hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi> </placeName> </stamp> </note> </div>
3Diplomatic transcription
[Rückseite von Textseite 1, vacat]
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split"> <note type="objdesc" resp="#E0300830">[Rückseite von Textseite 1, vacat]</note> </div>
4Diplomatic transcription
[Rückseite von Textseite 2]
Mus.ep. F. Busoni 65
Nachlaß Busoni
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split"> <note type="objdesc" resp="#E0300830">[Rückseite von Textseite 2]</note> <note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-right" rend="rotate(-90)"><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep. F. Busoni 65</del></note> <lb/><note type="stamp" place="bottom-right" rend="rotate(180)" resp="#sbb_st_blue"> <stamp>Nachlaß Busoni</stamp> </note> </div>


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Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B I, 514 | olim: Mus.ep. F. Busoni 65 |

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Einige Tintenflecken am rechten und linken Textrand auf Seite 1; kein Textverlust. Ansonsten gut erhalten.
2 Blatt, 2 beschriebene Seiten
Nur die Recto-Seiten sind beschrieben.
  • Hand des Absenders Ferruccio Busoni, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift
  • Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen und eine Foliierung vorgenommen hat
  • Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat
  • Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)
  • Bibliotheksstempel (blaue Tinte)
Image source
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz: 1234

Busoni berichtet von aktueller Kompositionsarbeit über „indian motives“ (Indianische Fantasie), hat deren ersten Satz beendet; bittet, Curtis das Werk widmen zu dürfen.
I am trying to put something together

Editors in charge
Christian Schaper Ullrich Scheideler
prepared by
October 17, 2023: proposed (transcription and coding done, awaiting proofreading)
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