Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni arrow_backarrow_forward

New York · 22. Januar 1915

Diplomatische Umschrift
Mus.ep N. Curtis 10 (Busoni-Nachl. B II)
Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357
Friday. Jan 22. 1915.

My dear friend & Master! –

This is to bring you
a hearty welcome to our safe
& "neutral" shores – a welcome
which we extend to your wife &
boys & in which my Mother,
Kurt Schindler & Percy Grainger
join me. – I am so anxious
to see you, and to hear the Deutsche

Indian Fantasia! But alas,
I am going South early in

Friday. Jan 22. 1915.

My dear friend and Master!

This is to bring you a hearty welcome to our safe and “neutral” shores – a welcome which we extend to your wife and boys and in which my mother, Kurt Schindler and Percy Grainger join me. – I am so anxious to see you, and to hear the Indian Fantasia! But alas, I am going south early in February, and I fear I shall miss the chance.

Of course you are too busy, – but would it interest the boys to hear me on Sunday evening, the 31st – I mean, an account of the Indian songs which I shall sing (though without a voice!), I enclose a card of invitation. Of course, if you and Mrs Busoni could come, everyone would be delighted, but I don’t hope for such good fortune.

With affectionate greetings to toute la famille,

Natalie Curtis.

<div xmlns="" type="split"> <note type="shelfmark" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(-90)" resp="#archive"> <subst><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep N. Curtis 10 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del><add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357</add></subst> </note> <opener> <dateline rend="top-left"><date when-iso="1915-01-22">Friday. Jan 22. 1915</date>.</dateline> <address rend="top-right"><addrLine><placeName key="E0500909">331 W. 76</placeName>.</addrLine></address> <salute rend="space-above">My dear <rs key="E0300017">friend <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> Master</rs>!<orig> –</orig></salute> </opener> <p type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">This is to bring you <lb/>a hearty welcome to our safe <lb/><choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <soCalled rend="dq-uu-straight">neutral</soCalled> shores – a welcome <lb/>which we extend to <rs key="E0300059">your wife</rs> <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <lb/><rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">boys</rs> <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> in which <rs key="E0300846">my <choice><orig>M</orig><reg>m</reg></choice>other</rs>, <lb/><persName key="E0300840">Kurt Schindler</persName> <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300823">Percy Grainger</persName> <lb/>join me. – I am so anxious <lb/>to see you, <hi rend="underline">and</hi> to hear the <note type="stamp" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(90)" resp="#dsb_st_red"> <stamp rend="round border align(center) small">Deutsche <lb/>Staatsbibliothek <lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName> </stamp> </note> <lb/><title key="E0400120">Indian Fantasia</title>! But alas, <lb/>I am going <choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>outh early in </p></div>
2Diplomatische Umschrift

February, & I fear I shall miss
the chance. –

Of course you are too
busy, – but would it interest the boys
to hear me on Sunday evening, the 31st
– I mean, an account of the Indian songs.
which I shall sing, (though without
a voice!) I enclose a card of in-
vitation. Of course, if you & Mrs Busoni
could come, everyone would be delighted,
but I dont hope for such good

With affectionate greetings
[am linken Rand, längs:]
to toute la famille,

Natalie Curtis.

<div xmlns="" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split"> <date when-iso="1915-02">February</date>, <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> I fear I shall miss <lb/>the chance.<orig> –</orig></p> <p rend="indent-2-first">Of course you are too <lb/>busy, – but would it interest <rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">the boys</rs> <lb/>to hear me on <date when-iso="1915-01-31">Sunday evening, the 31<seg rend="sup underline">st</seg></date> <lb/>– I mean, an account of the Indian songs<del rend="strikethrough">.</del> <lb/>which I shall sing<orig>,</orig> (though without <lb/>a voice!)<reg>,</reg> I enclose a card of in <lb break="no"/>vitation. Of course, if you <choice><abbr>&amp;</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300059">M<seg rend="sup underline">rs</seg> Busoni</persName> <lb/><hi rend="underline">could</hi> come, everyone would be delighted, <lb/>but I don<reg>’</reg>t hope for such good <lb/>fortune.</p> <closer><salute rend="indent-2-first">With affectionate greetings <cb type="margin-left"/> to <rs type="persons" key="E0300059 E0300060 E0300153" xml:lang="fr">toute la famille</rs>,</salute> <signed rend="align(right)"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed></closer> </div>


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Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357 | olim: Mus.ep. N. Curtis 10 |

Nachweis Kalliope

Die Briefkarte ist gut erhalten.
1 Briefkarte, 2 beschriebene Seiten
  • Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift
  • Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen hat
  • Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat
  • Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz: 12

Curtis begrüßt Busoni in den USA; würde gerne die Indianische Fantasie zu hören, wird sich aber im Februar im Süden aufhalten; lädt Busoni zu einem Konzert am 31. Januar ein, bei dem sie „Indian songs“ vortragen wird.
This is to bring you a hearty welcome

Inhaltlich Verantwortliche
Christian Schaper Ullrich Scheideler
bearbeitet von
25. April 2023: in Bearbeitung (in der Erfassungs-/Codierungsphase)
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