This is to bring you
a hearty welcome to our safe
& "neutral" shores – a welcome
which we extend to your wife &
boys & in which my Mother,
Kurt Schindler & Percy Grainger join me. – I am so anxious
to see you, and to hear the
Berlin Indian Fantasia! But alas,
I am going South early in
This is to bring you
a hearty welcome to our safe
and “neutral” shores – a welcome
which we extend to your wife and
boys and in which my mother,
Kurt Schindler and Percy Grainger
join me. – I am so anxious
to see you, and to hear the
Indian Fantasia! But alas,
I am going south early in
February, and I fear I shall miss
the chance.
Of course you are too
busy, – but would it interest the boys
to hear me on Sunday evening, the 31st
– I mean, an account of the Indian songs
which I shall sing (though without
a voice!), I enclose a card of invitation. Of course, if you and Mrs Busonicould come, everyone would be delighted,
but I don’t hope for such good
<div xmlns="" type="split">
<note type="shelfmark" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(-90)" resp="#archive">
<subst><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep N. Curtis 10 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del><add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357</add></subst>
<dateline rend="top-left"><date when-iso="1915-01-22">Friday. Jan 22. 1915</date>.</dateline>
<address rend="top-right"><addrLine><placeName key="E0500909">331 W. 76</placeName>.</addrLine></address>
<salute rend="space-above">My dear <rs key="E0300017">friend <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> Master</rs>!<orig> –</orig></salute>
<p type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">This is to bring you
<lb/>a hearty welcome to our safe
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <soCalled rend="dq-uu-straight">neutral</soCalled> shores – a welcome
<lb/>which we extend to <rs key="E0300059">your wife</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice>
<lb/><rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">boys</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> in which <rs key="E0300846">my <choice><orig>M</orig><reg>m</reg></choice>other</rs>,
<lb/><persName key="E0300840">Kurt Schindler</persName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300823">Percy Grainger</persName>
<lb/>join me. – I am so anxious
<lb/>to see you, <hi rend="underline">and</hi> to hear the
<note type="stamp" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(90)" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">Deutsche
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName>
<lb/><title key="E0400120">Indian Fantasia</title>! But alas,
<lb/>I am going <choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>outh early in
2Diplomatic transcription
February, & I fear I shall miss
the chance. –
Of course you are too
busy, – but would it interest the boys to hear me on Sunday evening, the 31st – I mean, an account of the Indian songs. which I shall sing, (though without
a voice!) I enclose a card of in- vitation. Of course, if you & Mrs Busoni could come, everyone would be delighted,
but I dont hope for such good
With affectionate greetings
[left border, lengthwise:]
to toute la famille,
<div xmlns="" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split">
<date when-iso="1915-02">February</date>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> I fear I shall miss
<lb/>the chance.<orig> –</orig></p>
<p rend="indent-2-first">Of course you are too
<lb/>busy, – but would it interest <rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">the boys</rs>
<lb/>to hear me on <date when-iso="1915-01-31">Sunday evening, the 31<seg rend="sup underline">st</seg></date>
<lb/>– I mean, an account of the Indian songs<del rend="strikethrough">.</del>
<lb/>which I shall sing<orig>,</orig> (though without
<lb/>a voice!)<reg>,</reg> I enclose a card of in
<lb break="no"/>vitation. Of course, if you <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300059">M<seg rend="sup underline">rs</seg> Busoni</persName>
<lb/><hi rend="underline">could</hi> come, everyone would be delighted,
<lb/>but I don<reg>’</reg>t hope for such good
<closer><salute rend="indent-2-first">With affectionate greetings
<cb type="margin-left"/>
to <rs type="persons" key="E0300059 E0300060 E0300153" xml:lang="fr">toute la famille</rs>,</salute>
<signed rend="align(right)"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed></closer>
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357 | olim:
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 10
Curtis begrüßt Busoni in den USA; würde gerne die Indianische Fantasie zu hören, wird sich aber im Februar im Süden aufhalten; lädt Busoni zu einem Konzert am 31. Januar ein, bei dem sie „Indian songs“ vortragen wird.
Correspondence card by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 22 January 1915), prepared by Ullrich Scheideler, in: Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis, edited by Christian Schaper and Ullrich Scheideler, Berlin: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 2023: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, (April 25, 2023: unfinished)
Download a cleaned up reading version in the pdf file format (.pdf)
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="D0101913">
<title xml:lang="de">Briefkarte von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 22. Januar 1915)</title>
<title xml:lang="en">Correspondence card by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 22 January 1915)</title>
<author key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</author>
<resp>Prepared by</resp>
<persName key="E0300313">
<resp>Digitization by</resp>
<orgName key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</orgName>
<publisher>Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher>
<date when-iso="2023-04"/>
<licence target="">Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<title type="main">Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften</title>
<title type="genre">Briefe</title>
<title type="subseries" key="E010012">Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis</title>
<editor key="E0300314">Christian Schaper</editor>
<editor key="E0300313">Ullrich Scheideler</editor>
<country key="DE">Deutschland</country>
<institution key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</institution>
<repository>Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv</repository>
<collection>Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni</collection>
<idno>Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357</idno>
<idno type="D-B.olim">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 10</idno>
<summary><persName key="E0300818">Curtis</persName> begrüßt <persName key="E0300017">Busoni</persName> in den <placeName key="E0500093">USA</placeName>; würde gerne die <title key="E0400120">Indianische Fantasie</title> zu hören, wird sich aber im <date when-iso="1915-02">Februar</date> im Süden aufhalten; lädt <persName key="E0300017">Busoni</persName> zu einem Konzert am <date when-iso="1915-01-31">31. Januar</date> ein, bei dem sie <q>Indian songs</q> vortragen wird.</summary>
<docDate><date when-iso="1915-01-22"/></docDate>
<incipit>This is to bring you a hearty welcome</incipit>
<measure type="card">1 Briefkarte</measure>
<measure type="pages">2 beschriebene Seiten</measure>
<condition>Die Briefkarte ist gut erhalten.</condition>
<handNote xml:id="major_hand" scope="major" medium="black_ink" scribe="author" scribeRef="#E0300818">Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive" scope="minor" medium="pencil" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive_red" scope="minor" medium="red_pen" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="dsb_st_red" scope="minor" medium="red_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)</handNote>
<origPlace key="E0500031">New York</origPlace>
<origDate when-iso="1915-01-22"/>
<p>Erfassung von Briefen und Schriften von Ferruccio Busoni, ausgehend von Busonis Nachlass in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz.</p>
<hyphenation eol="hard" rend="sh">
<p>Worttrennungen an Zeilenumbrüchen im Original mit einfachen Bindestrichen.</p>
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<p>Alle im Text vorkommenden Interpunktionszeichen wurden beibehalten und werden in der diplomatischen Umschrift wiedergegeben. Bei Auszeichnung durch XML-Elemente wurden umgebende Satzzeichen nicht mit einbezogen.</p>
<quotation marks="none">
<p>Anführungszeichen wurden i. d. R. nicht beibehalten; die Art der Zeichen wurde im Attribut <att>rend</att> der entsprechenden Elemente codiert.</p>
<p>Die Übertragung folgt den Editionsrichtlinien des Projekts. <ptr target=""/>
<correspDesc ref="">
<correspAction type="sent">
<persName ref="" key="E0300818">Curtis, Natalie</persName>
<date when="1915-01-22"/>
<placeName ref="" key="E0500031">New York</placeName>
<correspAction type="received">
<persName ref="" key="E0300017">Busoni, Ferruccio</persName>
<ref type="previous" target="#D0101912"/>
<ref type="next" target="#D0101902"/>
<language ident="en"/>
<revisionDesc status="unfinished">
<change when-iso="2023-04-15" who="#E0300314">Datei per Skript angelegt, status todo</change>
<change when-iso="2023-04-25" who="#E0300313">Bearbeitung übernommen, status unfinished</change>
<facsimile sameAs="">
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<text type="cor_card">
<div type="transcription">
<pb n="1"/>
<note type="shelfmark" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(-90)" resp="#archive">
<del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep N. Curtis 10 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del>
<add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1357</add>
<dateline rend="top-left"><date when-iso="1915-01-22">Friday. Jan 22. 1915</date>.</dateline>
<address rend="top-right"><addrLine><placeName key="E0500909">331 W. 76</placeName>.</addrLine></address>
<salute rend="space-above">My dear <rs key="E0300017">friend <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> Master</rs>!<orig> –</orig></salute>
<p rend="indent-2-first">This is to bring you
<lb/>a hearty welcome to our safe
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <soCalled rend="dq-uu-straight">neutral</soCalled> shores – a welcome
<lb/>which we extend to <rs key="E0300059">your wife</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice>
<lb/><rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">boys</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> in which <rs key="E0300846">my <choice><orig>M</orig><reg>m</reg></choice>other</rs>,
<lb/><persName key="E0300840">Kurt Schindler</persName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300823">Percy Grainger</persName>
<lb/>join me. – I am so anxious
<lb/>to see you, <hi rend="underline">and</hi> to hear the
<note type="stamp" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(90)" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">Deutsche
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName>
<lb/><title key="E0400120">Indian Fantasia</title>! But alas,
<lb/>I am going <choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>outh early in
<pb n="2"/>
<date when-iso="1915-02">February</date>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> I fear I shall miss
<lb/>the chance.<orig> –</orig></p>
<p rend="indent-2-first">Of course you are too
<lb/>busy, – but would it interest <rs type="persons" key="E0300153 E0300060">the boys</rs>
<lb/>to hear me on <date when-iso="1915-01-31">Sunday evening, the 31<seg rend="sup underline">st</seg></date>
<lb/>– I mean, an account of the Indian songs<del rend="strikethrough">.</del>
<lb/>which I shall sing<orig>,</orig> (though without
<lb/>a voice!)<reg>,</reg> I enclose a card of in
<lb break="no"/>vitation. Of course, if you <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300059">M<seg rend="sup underline">rs</seg> Busoni</persName>
<lb/><hi rend="underline">could</hi> come, everyone would be delighted,
<lb/>but I don<reg>’</reg>t hope for such good
<closer><salute rend="indent-2-first">With affectionate greetings
<cb type="margin-left"/>
to <rs type="persons" key="E0300059 E0300060 E0300153" xml:lang="fr">toute la famille</rs>,</salute>
<signed rend="align(right)"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed></closer>