Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni arrow_backarrow_forward

Philadelphia · 20. Februar 1915

Diplomatische Umschrift
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 12 (Busoni-Nachl. B II)
Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1359

My dearest Master! –

A telegram
from Washington makes it
absolutely imperative
for me to leave today.
I can’t tell you how sorry
I am, but you will under-
stand without words, I
know. I am already
a week behind my
schedule, and I am
to give a little recital
of Indian folk-lore,

My dearest Master!

A telegram from Washington makes it absolutely imperative for me to leave today. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, but you will understand without words, I know. I am already a week behind my schedule, and I am to give a little recital of Indian folklore, art, music, etc. which the entire Department of the Interior (whose government officials have Indian matters in charge) will attend. They have arranged the preliminary meeting for this evening, and I must be there. You may be sure that I shall tell them about the Rhapsody – the Fantasy.

Yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life for which I thank you, dear Master, from a full heart.

My affectionate greetings to you and your dear wife – may the future bring us all often together is the sincere wish of your faithful friend,

Natalie Curtis

Saturday, February 20th, 1915

Please, dear Master, write on my program for me, zum Andenken! – Mrs Mason – my dear friend – will bring you my program after the concert. How I wish that I could be there!

<div xmlns="" type="split"> <note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left"> <subst><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 12 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del><add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1359</add></subst> </note> <note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-right" rend="space-below">[1]</note> <opener> <salute rend="space-above">My dearest <rs key="E0300017">Master</rs>!<orig> –</orig></salute> </opener> <p type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">A telegram <lb/>from <placeName key="E0500157">Washington</placeName> makes it <lb/>absolutely imperative <lb/>for me to leave today. <lb/>I can’t tell you how sorry <lb/>I am, but you will under <lb break="no"/>stand without words, I <lb/>know. I am already <lb/>a week behind my <lb/>schedule, and I am <lb/>to give a little recital <lb/>of Indian folk<orig>-</orig>lore, </p></div>
2Diplomatische Umschrift

art, music, etc: which the
entire Department of
the Interior, (whose govern-
ment officials have Indian
matters in charge) will at-
tend. They have arranged
the preliminary meeting
for this evening, and I
must be there. You may
be sure that I shall
tell them about the Rhap-
sody, – the Fantasy

Yesterday was one
of the happiest days of
my life for which I thank
you, dear Master, from
a full heart[.]

My affection-

<div xmlns="" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split"> art, music, etc<choice><orig>:</orig><reg>.</reg></choice> which the <lb/>entire Department of <lb/>the Interior<orig>,</orig> (whose govern <lb break="no"/>ment officials have Indian <lb/>matters in charge) will at <lb break="no"/>tend. They have arranged <lb/>the preliminary meeting <lb/>for this evening, and I <lb/><hi rend="underline">must</hi> be there. You may <lb/>be sure that I shall <lb/>tell them about <rs key="E0400120">the Rhap <lb break="no"/>sody<orig>,</orig> – the Fantasy</rs>.</p> <p rend="indent-2-first">Yesterday was one <lb/>of the happiest days of <lb/>my life for which I thank <lb/>you, <rs key="E0300017">dear Master</rs>, from <lb/>a full heart<supplied reason="omitted">.</supplied></p> <closer type="pre-split"> <salute type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">My affection </salute></closer></div>
3Diplomatische Umschrift

ate greetings to you and your
dear wife
– May the future bring
us all often together is the
sincere wish of your faithful

Natalie Curtis

Saturday February 20th 1915
<div xmlns="" type="split"><closer type="split"><salute rend="indent-2-first" type="split"> ate greetings to you and <rs key="E0300059">your <lb/>dear wife</rs> – <choice><orig>M</orig><reg>m</reg></choice>ay the future bring <lb/>us all often together is the <lb/>sincere wish of your faithful <lb/>friend,</salute> <signed rend="align(center)"> <persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName> </signed> <dateline rend="space-above space-below"><date when-iso="1915-02-20">Saturday<reg>,</reg> February 20<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg><reg>,</reg> 1915</date></dateline> <address><addrLine>Address: <placeName key="E0500914">Hotel Albany</placeName></addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent"><placeName key="E0500914">Corner 17<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg> and H<orig>.</orig> Streets</placeName></addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent-2"><placeName key="E0500157">Washington D. C.</placeName></addrLine> </address> </closer> </div>
4Diplomatische Umschrift

Please, dear Master, write
on my program for me, zum
Andenken! – Mrs Mason, –
my dear friend, – will bring you
my program after the concert.
How I wish that I could
be there!

<div xmlns="" type="split"> <postscript> <p>Please, <rs key="E0300017">dear Master</rs>, write <lb/>on my program for me, <foreign xml:lang="de">zum <lb/>Andenken</foreign>! – <persName key="E0300833">M<seg rend="sup underline">rs</seg> Mason</persName><orig>,</orig> – <lb/>my dear friend<orig>,</orig> – will bring you <lb/>my program after the concert. <lb/>How I <hi rend="underline">wish</hi> that I could <lb/>be there!</p> </postscript> </div>
5Diplomatische Umschrift
<address xmlns=""> <addrLine>Maestro</addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent"><persName key="E0300017">Ferruccio Busoni</persName></addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent"><placeName key="E0500915">Hotel Bellevue-Stratford</placeName></addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent-2"><placeName key="E0500891">Philadelphia</placeName></addrLine> <addrLine rend="indent-4"><placeName key="E0500912"><abbr>Penna.</abbr></placeName></addrLine> </address>
6Diplomatische Umschrift
Natalie Curtis
Nachlaß Busoni B II
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 12

Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1359-Beil.
                                                                <note xmlns="" type="annotation" resp="#gerda.busoni" place="top-center" rend="large space-below">
                        <persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>
                                                                <note xmlns="" type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="bottom-center">
                        <subst><del rend="strikethrough">
                              <stamp resp="#sbb_st_blue">Nachlaß Busoni <handShift new="#archive_red"/> B II</stamp>
                              Mus.ep. N. Curtis 12
                           </del><add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1359-Beil.</add></subst>


warningStatus: in Bearbeitung XML Faksimile Download / Zitation

Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1359 | olim: Mus.ep. N. Curtis 12 |

Nachweis Kalliope

Brief und Umschlag sind gut erhalten.
1 Bogen, 4 beschriebene Seiten
Seitenfolge: 1, 3, 2, 4 (2, 4 im Querformat)
  • Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift
  • Hand Gerda Busonis, die auf der Umschlagrückseite mit Bleistift den Empfängernamen notiert hat
  • Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen und eine Foliierung vorgenommen hat
  • Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat
  • Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)
  • Bibliotheksstempel (blaue Tinte)
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz: 123456

Curtis muss Philadelphia aufgrund eines Regierungs-Telegramms verlassen; wird ein Konzert mit „Indian folklore“ beim Innenministerium geben und dort bei der Vorbesprechung von Busonis Indianischer Fantasie berichten.
A telegram from Washington

Inhaltlich Verantwortliche
Christian Schaper Ullrich Scheideler
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unter Mitarbeit von
2. Mai 2023: in Bearbeitung (in der Erfassungs-/Codierungsphase)
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