You really “sing” of my
little work in such exqui- -site words, that I feel fuly
compensated for having done
it, and a little ashamed at
the same time. – I thank
You for the letter to Schindler.
I had not y the pleasure of
seeing him yet – I think
the letter will work its way
to its destination all-right,
and there is nothing to be
altered in it, ex[c]epted to
moderate the terms of praise.
I will miss You meanwhile,
But I am comforted by
the expectation of the good
and new things you will
accomplish and enjoy.
you really “sing” of my
little work in such exquisite words, that I feel fuly
compensated for having done
it, and a little ashamed at
the same time. – I thank
you for the letter to Schindler.
I had not the pleasure of
seeing him yet – I think
the letter will work its way
to its destination all-right,
and there is nothing to be
altered in it, excepted to
moderate the terms of praise.
I will miss you meanwhile,
But I am comforted by
the expectation of the good
and new things you will
accomplish and enjoy.
The spring may perhaps
bring out some leaves of
the “Indian Diary”, which
is still in my mind.
<div xmlns="" type="split">
<address><addrLine rend="align(right) space-below"><placeName key="E0500031">New York</placeName>.</addrLine></address>
<address><addrLine>To <persName key="E0300818">Miss Natalie Curtis</persName>.</addrLine></address>
<salute rend="space-above space-below">My dear <rs key="E0300818">Song-Maiden</rs>,</salute>
<p><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou really <soCalled rend="dq-uu">sing</soCalled> of <rs key="E0400120">my
<lb/>little work</rs> in such exqui
<lb break="no" rend="after:-"/>site words, that I feel fuly
<lb/>compensated for having done
<lb/>it, and a little ashamed at
<lb/>the same time. – I thank
<lb/><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou for the letter to <persName key="E0300840">Schindler</persName>.
<lb/>I had not <del rend="strikethrough">y</del> the pleasure of
<lb/>seeing him yet – I think
<lb/>the letter will work its way
<lb/>to its destination all-right,
<lb/>and there is nothing to be
<lb/>altered in it, ex<supplied reason="omitted">c</supplied>epted to
<lb/>moderate the terms of praise.
<lb/>I will miss <choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou meanwhile,
<lb/>But I am comforted by
<lb/>the expectation of the good
<lb/>and new things you will
<lb/>accomplish and enjoy.</p>
2Diplomatische Umschrift
The Spring may perhaps
bring out some leaves of
the “Indian Diary”, which
is still in my mind.
<div xmlns="" type="split">
<p>The <choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>pring may perhaps
<lb/>bring out some leaves of
<lb/>the <title key="E0400399" rend="dq-uu">Indian Diary</title>, which
<lb/>is still in my mind.</p>
<p rend="indent-first">At that time I hope
<lb/>to see <choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou again.</p>
<salute rend="align(right)">With all my best wishes</salute>
<salute rend="align(center)">Yours
<lb/><seg rend="align(right)">most faithfully</seg></salute>
<signed rend="align(right)"><persName key="E0300017">Ferruccio Busoni</persName></signed>
<dateline><date when-iso="1915-02-22">February 22<seg rend="sup underline">d</seg> 1915</date>. –</dateline>
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B I, 516 | olim:
Mus.ep. F. Busoni 67
Brief von Ferruccio Busoni an Natalie Curtis (New York, 22. Februar 1915), bearbeitet von Christian Schaper, in: Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis, hrsg. von Christian Schaper und Ullrich Scheideler, Berlin: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 2023: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, (31. Oktober 2023: in Bearbeitung)
Download der bereinigten Lesefassung im PDF-Dateiformat (.pdf)
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="D0101903">
<title xml:lang="de">Brief von Ferruccio Busoni an Natalie Curtis (New York, 22. Februar 1915)</title>
<title xml:lang="en">Letter by Ferruccio Busoni to Natalie Curtis (New York, 22 February 1915)</title>
<author key="E0300017">Ferruccio Busoni</author>
<resp>Prepared by</resp>
<persName key="E0300314">
<resp>Digitization by</resp>
<orgName key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</orgName>
<publisher>Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher>
<date when-iso="2023-04"/>
<licence target="">Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<title type="main">Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften</title>
<title type="genre">Briefe</title>
<title type="subseries" key="E010012">Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis</title>
<editor key="E0300314">Christian Schaper</editor>
<editor key="E0300313">Ullrich Scheideler</editor>
<country key="DE">Deutschland</country>
<institution key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</institution>
<repository>Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv</repository>
<collection>Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni</collection>
<idno>Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B I, 516</idno>
<idno type="D-B.olim">Mus.ep. F. Busoni 67</idno>
<summary><!--Zusammenfassung einfügen--></summary>
<docDate><!--<date when-iso="YYYY-MM-DD"/>--></docDate>
<!--ggf. auch vom Archiv eingetragenes Datum (sonst löschen):-->
<docDate resp="#archive" sameAs="#arch_date"><!--<date when-iso="1912" cert="unknown"/>[1912?]--></docDate>
<incipit><!-- Incipit einfügen --></incipit>
<measure type="folio">2 Blatt</measure>
<measure type="pages">2 beschriebene Seiten</measure>
<collation><!--Seitenfolge: 1, 3, 2, 4 (2, 4 im Querformat)--></collation>
<condition>Der Brief ist gut erhalten.</condition>
<handNote xml:id="major_hand" scope="major" medium="black_ink" scribe="author" scribeRef="#E0300017">Hand des Absenders Ferruccio Busoni, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift</handNote>
<!-- oder in anderer Farbe? oder in deutscher Kurrentschrift? -->
<handNote xml:id="archive" scope="minor" medium="pencil" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen, eine Foliierung vorgenommen und das Briefdatum ergänzt hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive_red" scope="minor" medium="red_pen" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="dsb_st_red" scope="minor" medium="red_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)</handNote>
<origPlace key="…">New York</origPlace>
<!--Eintrag für Ort anlegen und ID hier ergänzen-->
<origDate when-iso="1915-02-22"/>
<p>Erfassung von Briefen und Schriften von Ferruccio Busoni, ausgehend von Busonis Nachlass in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz.</p>
<hyphenation eol="hard" rend="sh">
<p>Worttrennungen an Zeilenumbrüchen im Original mit einfachen Bindestrichen.</p>
<punctuation marks="all" placement="external">
<p>Alle im Text vorkommenden Interpunktionszeichen wurden beibehalten und werden in der diplomatischen Umschrift wiedergegeben. Bei Auszeichnung durch XML-Elemente wurden umgebende Satzzeichen nicht mit einbezogen.</p>
<quotation marks="none">
<p>Anführungszeichen wurden i. d. R. nicht beibehalten; die Art der Zeichen wurde im Attribut <att>rend</att> der entsprechenden Elemente codiert.</p>
<p>Die Übertragung folgt den Editionsrichtlinien des Projekts. <ptr target=""/>
<correspDesc ref="">
<correspAction type="sent">
<persName ref="" key="E0300017">Busoni, Ferruccio</persName>
<date when="1915-02-22"/>
<!--<placeName ref="" key="E05#####">Name des Ortes</placeName>-->
<correspAction type="received">
<persName ref="" key="E0300818">Curtis, Natalie</persName>
<ref type="replyTo" target="#D0101915"/>
<ref type="previous" target="#D0101915"/>
<ref type="next" target="#D0101916"/>
<language ident="en"/>
<revisionDesc status="unfinished">
<change when-iso="2023-04-15" who="#E0300314">Datei per Skript angelegt, status todo</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-31" who="#E0300314">Bearbeitung übernommen, status unfinished</change>
<graphic n="1" url="#local"/>
<graphic n="2" url="#local"/>
<graphic n="3" url="#local"/>
<graphic n="4" url="#local"/>
<text type="letter">
<div type="transcription">
<pb n="1"/>
<address><addrLine rend="align(right) space-below"><placeName key="E0500031">New York</placeName>.</addrLine></address>
<address><addrLine>To <persName key="E0300818">Miss Natalie Curtis</persName>.</addrLine></address>
<salute rend="space-above space-below">My dear <rs key="E0300818">Song-Maiden</rs>,</salute>
<p><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou really <soCalled rend="dq-uu">sing</soCalled> of <rs key="E0400120">my
<lb/>little work</rs> in such exqui
<lb break="no" rend="after:-"/>site words, that I feel fuly
<lb/>compensated for having done
<lb/>it, and a little ashamed at
<lb/>the same time. – I thank
<lb/><choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou for the letter to <persName key="E0300840">Schindler</persName>.
<lb/>I had not <del rend="strikethrough">y</del> the pleasure of
<lb/>seeing him yet – I think
<lb/>the letter will work its way
<lb/>to its destination all-right,
<lb/>and there is nothing to be
<lb/>altered in it, ex<supplied reason="omitted">c</supplied>epted to
<lb/>moderate the terms of praise.
<lb/>I will miss <choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou meanwhile,
<lb/>But I am comforted by
<lb/>the expectation of the good
<lb/>and new things you will
<lb/>accomplish and enjoy.</p>
<pb n="2"/>
<p>The <choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>pring may perhaps
<lb/>bring out some leaves of
<lb/>the <title key="E0400399" rend="dq-uu">Indian Diary</title>, which
<lb/>is still in my mind.</p>
<p rend="indent-first">At that time I hope
<lb/>to see <choice><orig>Y</orig><reg>y</reg></choice>ou again.</p>
<salute rend="align(right)">With all my best wishes</salute>
<salute rend="align(center)">Yours
<lb/><seg rend="align(right)">most faithfully</seg></salute>
<signed rend="align(right)"><persName key="E0300017">Ferruccio Busoni</persName></signed>
<dateline><date when-iso="1915-02-22">February 22<seg rend="sup underline">d</seg> 1915</date>. –</dateline>
<pb n="3"/>
<pb n="4"/>