obliged to come in to
N.Y. tomorrow, Tuesday,
for the funeral of
my friend Miss Schurz.
Would it interest you
to see some of
my records of African music, recently made?-
I hav[e] been studying
obliged to come in to
N.Y. tomorrow, Tuesday,
for the funeral of
my friend Miss Schurz.
Would it interest you
to see some of
my records of African
music, recently made?-
I have been studying
with a young African,
fresh from the Portuguese
possessions in East
Africa, who has once
been to this country
a few months (he was
sent by some missionaries
as he is exceptionally
intelligent & they believed
that on his return to
Africa, he could greatly
aid in the uplift of
his people, if he could
first take a course
of study in this
country) I have
therefore been recording some of
the native African music, –
very, very interesting rhythmically,
& quite untouched by the
influence of the white race, as
my informant (whose nice
name is “Kamba Sinango”–
–“Leopard Blue-Monkey”–) is
from pagan Africa and has
taught me songs that which
people have never heart.
I will bring them
to show you, if this
would interest you.–
The Saint-Saëns
Concerto, whose African rhythms lent
such character to the slow-movement,
is based on music
from North Africa,
is it not? – Perhaps
he too might like to
all this music from the East coast
of Africa. – At
any rate, I’ll tele-phone your dear
wife some time
tomorrow & if you are
too busy, you must
just say so frankly,
for I understand
that your work is
the all-important
thing & mustnot
be interrupted:
[…]Papier fehlt.
and I, and Africa, and
the American Indians are
here for the whole summer
& there will be plenty
of time for later
meetings if you are too
busy now. –
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left">
<del rend="strikethrough">
Mus.ep.N.Curtis 16
<lb/>(Busoni Nachl.)
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left" rend="center">
<del rend="strikethrough"><handShift new="#arch_red"/>B II</del>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" rend="rotate(-90)" place="margin-left">
Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni BII,1363
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-right">[1]</note>
<dateline rend="center">
Wave Crest
<lb/> <fw>Far Rockaway,N.Y.<placeName key="E0500890"/></fw>
<lb/> <date when-iso="1915-07-19" rend="align(right)"><hi rend="underline">Monday</hi></date>
<salute rend="center">
<rs key="E0300017">Dear Master</rs>,
<p rend="first-right">
I am
<p rend="indent">
obliged to come in to
<lb/><placeName key="E0500871">N.Y.</placeName> <date when-iso="1915-07-20">tomorrow</date>, Tuesday,
<lb/>for the funeral of
<lb/>my friend Miss Schurz.
<lb/>Would it interest you
<lb/>to see some of
<lb/>my records of <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName>
<lb/> music, recently made?-
<lb/>I hav<supplied reason="omitted">e</supplied> been studying
2Diplomatische Umschrift
with a young African,
fresh from the Portuguese
possessions in East
Africa, who has once
been to this country
a few months (he was
sent by some missionaries
as he is exceptionally
intelligent & they believed
that on his return to
Africa he could greatly
in the uplift of
his people, if he could
first take a course
of study in this
country) I have
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-left">[2]</note>
with a young <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName>,
<lb/>fresh from the Portuguese
<lb/>possessions in East
<lb/><placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>, who has once
<lb/>been to this country
<lb/>a few months (he was
<lb/>sent by some missionaries
<lb/>as he is exceptionally
<lb/>intelligent & they believed
<lb/>that on his return to
<lb/><placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName><choice><reg>, </reg></choice> he could greatly
<lb/> <subst><add place="above">aid</add><del rend="strikethrough">
<gap reason="strikethrough" unit="word"/>
</del></subst> in the uplift of
<lb/>his people, if he could
<lb/>first take a course
<lb/>of study in this
<lb/>country) I have
3Diplomatische Umschrift
therefore been recording some of
the native African music, –
very, very interesting rhythmically,
& quite untouched by the
influence of the white race, as
my informant (whose nice
name is “Kamba Sinango”–
–“Leopard Blue-Monkey”–) is
from pagan Africa and has
taught me songs that which
people have never heart.
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
therefore been recording some of
<lb/>the native <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName> music, –
<lb/> <hi rend="underline">very</hi>, <hi rend="underline">very</hi> interesting rhythmically,
<lb/>& quite untouched by the
<lb/>influence of the white race, as
<lb/>my informant (whose nice
<lb/>name is <persName rend="dq-uu">Kamba Sinango</persName>–
<lb/>–<persName rend="dq-uu">Leopard Blue-Monkey</persName>–) is
<lb/>from pagan <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName> and has
<lb/>taught me songs that which
<lb/>people have never heart.
4Diplomatische Umschrift
BII, 1363
Far Rockaway,N.Y.
I will bring them
to show you, if this
would interest you.–
The Saint-Saëns
Concerto, whose Afri- can rhythms lent
such character to the slow-movement,
is based on music
from North Africa,
is it not? – Perhaps
he too might like to
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left"> BII, 1363 </note>
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-right">[3]</note>
<p rend="top-center"><fw>Far Rockaway,N.Y.<placeName key="E0500890"/></fw></p>
I will bring them
<lb/>to show you, if this
<lb/>would interest you.–
<lb/><title key="E0400572">The Saint-Saëns
<lb/> Concerto</title>, whose <placeName key="E0500945">Afri
<lb break="no"/>can</placeName> rhythms lent
<lb/>such character to the slow-movement,
<lb/>is based on music
<lb/>from North <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>,
<lb/>is it not? – Perhaps
<lb/>he too might like to
5Diplomatische Umschrift
all this music from the East coast
of Africa. – At
any rate, I’ll tele-
phone your dear
wife some time
tomorrow & if you are
too busy, you must
just say so frankly,
for I understand
that your work is
the all-important
thing & mustnot be interrupted:
[…]Papier fehlt.
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-left">[4]</note>
all this music from the East coast
<lb/>of <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>. – At
<lb/>any rate, I’ll tele-
<lb break="no"/>phone your dear
<lb/><persName key="E0300059">wife</persName> some time
<lb/>tomorrow & if you are
<lb/>too busy, you must
<lb/>just say so <hi rend="underline">frankly</hi>,
<lb/>for I understand
<lb/>that your work is
<lb/>the all-important
<lb/>thing & <hi rend="underline">must</hi> <hi rend="underline">not</hi>
<lb/>be interrupted:
<gap reason="paper-missing"/>
<div xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" type="split">
and <persName key="E0300818">I</persName>, and <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>, and
<lb/>the <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> Indians are
<lb/>here for the whole summer
<lb/>& there will be plenty
<lb/>of time for later
<lb/>meetings if you are too
<lb/>busy now. –
<salute rend="indent">
with hearty</salute>
greetings to all your
<lb/>family, your faithful
<signed rend="indent">
<persName key="E0300818">friend N. Curtis</persName>
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1363 | olim:
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 16
Brief von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., 19. Juli 1915), bearbeitet von Lea Langosch, in: Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis, hrsg. von Christian Schaper und Ullrich Scheideler, Berlin: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 2023: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, https://busoni-nachlass.org/D0101919 (15. Mai 2023: in Bearbeitung)
Download der bereinigten Lesefassung im PDF-Dateiformat (.pdf)
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="D0101919">
<title xml:lang="de">Brief von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., 19. Juli 1915)</title>
<title xml:lang="en">Letter by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (Far Rockaway/N.Y., 19 July 1915)</title>
<author key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</author>
<resp>Prepared by</resp>
<persName key="E0300836">
<resp>Digitization by</resp>
<orgName key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</orgName>
<publisher>Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher>
<date when-iso="2023-04"/>
<licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<title type="main">Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften</title>
<title type="genre">Briefe</title>
<title type="subseries" key="E010012">Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis</title>
<editor key="E0300314">Christian Schaper</editor>
<editor key="E0300313">Ullrich Scheideler</editor>
<country key="DE">Deutschland</country>
<institution key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</institution>
<repository>Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv</repository>
<collection>Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni</collection>
<idno>Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1363</idno>
<idno type="D-B.olim">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 16</idno>
<summary><persName key="E0300818">Curtis</persName> bietet an, ihre neuen Tonaufnahmen <placeName key="E0500945">afrikanischer</placeName> Musik vorzuspielen; betont die Unberührtheit der <placeName key="E0500945">afrikanischen</placeName> Musik; macht auf <placeName key="E0500945">afrikanische</placeName> Einflüsse in <persName key="E0300161">Saint-Saëns’</persName> <title key="E0400572">5. Klavierkonzert</title> aufmerksam.</summary>
<docDate><!--<date when-iso="YYYY-MM-DD"/>--></docDate>
<docDate resp="#post" sameAs="#post_abs"><!--<date when-iso="YYYY-MM-DD"/>--></docDate>
<!--ggf. auch Empfangsortstempel (sonst löschen):-->
<docDate resp="#post" sameAs="#post_rec"><!--<date when-iso="YYYY-MM-DD"/>--></docDate>
<!--ggf. auch vom Archiv eingetragenes Datum (sonst löschen):-->
<docDate resp="#archive" sameAs="#arch_date"><!--<date when-iso="1912" cert="unknown"/>[1912?]--></docDate>
<incipit><!-- Incipit einfügen --></incipit>
<measure type="folio">4 Blatt</measure>
<measure type="pages">6 beschriebene Seiten</measure>
<collation><!--Seitenfolge: 1, 3, 2, 4 (2, 4 im Querformat)--></collation>
<condition>Brief und Umschlag sind gut erhalten.</condition>
<handNote xml:id="major_hand" scope="major" medium="black_ink" scribe="author" scribeRef="#E0300818">Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in schwarzer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift</handNote>
<!-- oder in anderer Farbe? oder in deutscher Kurrentschrift? -->
<handNote xml:id="archive" scope="minor" medium="pencil" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen, eine Foliierung vorgenommen und das Briefdatum ergänzt hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive_red" scope="minor" medium="red_pen" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="dsb_st_red" scope="minor" medium="red_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="post" scope="minor" medium="black_ink" scribe="postoffice">Poststempel (schwarze Tinte)</handNote>
<pb n="9"/>
<pb n="10"/>
<origPlace key="E0500890">Far Rockaway/N.Y.</origPlace>
<origDate when-iso="1915-07-19"/>
<p>Erfassung von Briefen und Schriften von Ferruccio Busoni, ausgehend von Busonis Nachlass in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz.</p>
<hyphenation eol="hard" rend="sh">
<p>Worttrennungen an Zeilenumbrüchen im Original mit einfachen Bindestrichen.</p>
<punctuation marks="all" placement="external">
<p>Alle im Text vorkommenden Interpunktionszeichen wurden beibehalten und werden in der diplomatischen Umschrift wiedergegeben. Bei Auszeichnung durch XML-Elemente wurden umgebende Satzzeichen nicht mit einbezogen.</p>
<quotation marks="none">
<p>Anführungszeichen wurden i. d. R. nicht beibehalten; die Art der Zeichen wurde im Attribut <att>rend</att> der entsprechenden Elemente codiert.</p>
<p>Die Übertragung folgt den Editionsrichtlinien des Projekts. <ptr target="http://www.busoni-nachlass.org/E1000003"/>
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<correspAction type="sent">
<persName ref="http://d-nb.info/gnd/142060089" key="E0300818">Curtis, Natalie</persName>
<date when="1915-07-19"/>
<!--<placeName ref="http://www.geonames.org/######" key="E05#####">Name des Ortes</placeName>-->
<correspAction type="received">
<persName ref="http://d-nb.info/gnd/118518011" key="E0300017">Busoni, Ferruccio</persName>
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<ref type="next" target="#D0101922"/>
<language ident="en"/>
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<change when-iso="2023-04-15" who="#E0300314">Datei per Skript angelegt, status todo</change>
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<text type="letter">
<div type="transcription">
<pb n="1"/>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left">
<del rend="strikethrough">
Mus.ep.N.Curtis 16
<lb/>(Busoni Nachl.)
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left" rend="center">
<del rend="strikethrough"><handShift new="#arch_red"/>B II</del>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" rend="rotate(-90)" place="margin-left">
Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni BII,1363
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-right">[1]</note>
<dateline rend="center">
Wave Crest
<lb/> <fw>Far Rockaway,N.Y.<placeName key="E0500890"/></fw>
<lb/> <date when-iso="1915-07-19" rend="align(right)"><hi rend="underline">Monday</hi></date>
<salute rend="center">
<rs key="E0300017">Dear Master</rs>,
<p rend="first-right">
I am
<p rend="indent">
obliged to come in to
<lb/><placeName key="E0500871">N.Y.</placeName> <date when-iso="1915-07-20">tomorrow</date>, Tuesday,
<lb/>for the funeral of
<lb/>my friend Miss Schurz.
<lb/>Would it interest you
<lb/>to see some of
<lb/>my records of <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName>
<lb/> music, recently made?-
<lb/>I hav<supplied reason="omitted">e</supplied> been studying
<pb n="2"/>
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-left">[2]</note>
with a young <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName>,
<lb/>fresh from the Portuguese
<lb/>possessions in East
<lb/><placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>, who has once
<lb/>been to this country
<lb/>a few months (he was
<lb/>sent by some missionaries
<lb/>as he is exceptionally
<lb/>intelligent & they believed
<lb/>that on his return to
<lb/><placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName><choice><reg>, </reg></choice> he could greatly
<lb/> <subst>
<add place="above">aid</add>
<del rend="strikethrough">
<gap reason="strikethrough" unit="word"/>
</subst> in the uplift of
<lb/>his people, if he could
<lb/>first take a course
<lb/>of study in this
<lb/>country) I have
<pb n="3"/>
therefore been recording some of
<lb/>the native <placeName key="E0500945">African</placeName> music, –
<lb/> <hi rend="underline">very</hi>, <hi rend="underline">very</hi> interesting rhythmically,
<lb/>& quite untouched by the
<lb/>influence of the white race, as
<lb/>my informant (whose nice
<lb/>name is <persName rend="dq-uu">Kamba Sinango</persName>–
<lb/>–<persName rend="dq-uu">Leopard Blue-Monkey</persName>–) is
<lb/>from pagan <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName> and has
<lb/>taught me songs that which
<lb/>people have never heart.
<pb n="4"/>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-left"> BII, 1363 </note>
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-right">[3]</note>
<p rend="top-center"><fw>Far Rockaway,N.Y.<placeName key="E0500890"/></fw></p>
I will bring them
<lb/>to show you, if this
<lb/>would interest you.–
<lb/><title key="E0400572">The Saint-Saëns
<lb/> Concerto</title>, whose <placeName key="E0500945">Afri
<lb break="no"/>can</placeName> rhythms lent
<lb/>such character to the slow-movement,
<lb/>is based on music
<lb/>from North <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>,
<lb/>is it not? – Perhaps
<lb/>he too might like to
<pb n="6"/>
<note type="foliation" resp="#archive" place="top-left">[4]</note>
all this music from the East coast
<lb/>of <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>. – At
<lb/>any rate, I’ll tele-
<lb break="no"/>phone your dear
<lb/><persName key="E0300059">wife</persName> some time
<lb/>tomorrow & if you are
<lb/>too busy, you must
<lb/>just say so <hi rend="underline">frankly</hi>,
<lb/>for I understand
<lb/>that your work is
<lb/>the all-important
<lb/>thing & <hi rend="underline">must</hi> <hi rend="underline">not</hi>
<lb/>be interrupted:
<gap reason="paper-missing"/>
<pb n="7"/>
<pb n="8"/>
and <persName key="E0300818">I</persName>, and <placeName key="E0500945">Africa</placeName>, and
<lb/>the <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> Indians are
<lb/>here for the whole summer
<lb/>& there will be plenty
<lb/>of time for later
<lb/>meetings if you are too
<lb/>busy now. –
<salute rend="indent">
with hearty</salute>
greetings to all your
<lb/>family, your faithful
<signed rend="indent">
<persName key="E0300818">friend N. Curtis</persName>
<pb n="9"/>
<pb n="10"/>