The war certainly
placed a wall between
this far continent & those
who dwelt on the other
side. Some word of you
I had from Richard
* who is now happily established with the
Los Angeles Philharmonic (Rothwell, conductor)
lecturing and writing and playing and teach- ing.
but he had
not seen you at all
The war certainly
placed a wall between
this far continent and those
who dwelt on the other
side. Some word of you
I had from Richard
but he had
not seen you at all
lately. And now comes
the program of your
concert with Henry
Wood at Queen’s Hall
and the inferential
news that you and the
“Indian Fantasy” are
in London. I send
this letter in care
of Mr Robert Newman
with a prayer that it
will reach you safely.
And to think that
this will be the first
opportunity I have to
tell you that I married in 1917, the painter,
Paul Burlin whom I met
in 1916 in New Mexico while he was
on a sketching trip. It was his
first visit to the Far West and to
the land of the American Indian
and I naturally became much interested in his impressions. I was
very much struck with his approach to the new material. He
did not paint at all for many
weeks, saying that he must first
absorb, before he could express,
as he felt himself for the first
time in contact with a primeval world and an ancient and
archaic people. I liked his
depth and earnestness and his artistic sincerity. His pictures were
very remarkable (his painting
“The Indian Mother” was shown
at the Luxembourg and at the
International Exhibition in Venice
last spring) – I never before
saw any paintings of the
American aborigines that reflected,
as his did, the soul of primitive
man. – Needless to relate,
our artistic sympathy was
fatal! And we found it
impossible to keep our spirits
apart. We are completely
happy, as each builds into
the growth and development
of the other. We have a
studio apartment on
57th Street near Carnegie
Hall, and we own a
little Spanish house in
the ancient city of Santa
Fe, New Mexico. This
sounds more affluent
than is the silent fact, I
am sorry to say, as
painters have had a
hard financial struggle in America, during,
and since the war.
We are pining to
go abroad this summer.
My husband longs to
go to Spain. Can we
afford it? This, alas, is
the question! If you
know of any modest
place to stay, you who
have traveled the world
over – do give us advice! – How I wish we
might all meet somewhere. My husband would
love the Maestro’s compositions! He is ultramodern in his own works, and being
intensely and most sensitively
devoted to music, he adores
ultra-modern music and has
been most interested in all
that I have told him of
Busoni’s writings. He went
to the concert of the Friends
of Music to hear the Maestro’s
work – I was ill, so he had
to listen for me! He was
enthusiastic about the whole
concert. I suppose you saw
the program?
What is your address and where
will you be? I want to
send you my two last books.
Let me know where they would
reach you. Thank you so much
for your kind thoughtfulness
in sending me the program of
the London Symphony Concerts.
My husband’s recent pictures (two of them, and about a
dozen drawings) left about three
weeks ago for an exhibition in
London and Paris. If you get a
chance to see them (some exhibitions of American art), I hope
you will do so. He is walking the
same path in paint that
the musical pioneers are treading in sound. Let me have some personal
news of you! What happened to your son, the sculptor? And where is
Rafael? I have been much in the Far West since you left, and have
lost track of people.
Warmest greetings to you with – Monsieur et
Madame! Your affectionate friend
Will you be coming over with Coates next season? –
The Mengelberg concerts have been very fine. How
I should love to hear the Maestro and Mengelbergtogether –
who is now happily established with the
Los Angeles Philharmonic (Rothwell, conductor)
lecturing and writing and playing and teaching.
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div type="split" xml:id="letter_body_1">
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-center">
<subst><del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 17 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del><add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1364</add></subst>
<note type="pagination" resp="#archive" place="top-right" rend="space-below">[1]</note>
<addrLine rend="indent-2"><placeName key="E0500931">106 West 57.</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="indent-3"><placeName key="E0500031">New York</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="indent-4"><placeName key="E0500093">U.S.A.</placeName></addrLine>
<dateline rend="indent-4 space-below"><date when-iso="1921-03-17">March 17<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg> 1921</date></dateline>
<salute rend="indent">My dear long-lost friends!</salute>
<p type="pre-split" rend="indent-3-first">The war certainly
<lb/>placed a wall between
<lb/><rs key="E0500942">this far continent</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> those
<lb/>who dwelt on the other
<lb/>side. Some word of you
<lb/>I had from <persName key="E0300847">Richard
<lb/>Buhlig</persName>:<supplied reason="omitted"><metamark function="footnote" n="1">*</metamark></supplied>
<note type="footnote" n="1" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(-90)">
<metamark>*</metamark> who is now happily established with the
<lb/><orgName key="E0600222"><placeName key="E0500037">Los Angeles</placeName> Philharmonic</orgName> (<persName key="E0300849">Rothwell</persName>, conductor)
<lb/>lecturing and writing and playing and teach
<lb break="no"/>ing.
but he had
<lb/>not seen you at all
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-left" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out"><supplied reason="illegible">Berlin</supplied></hi></placeName>
2Diplomatische Umschrift
lately. And now comes
the program of your
concert with Henry
Wood at Queens Hall and the inferential
news that you & the
“Indian Fantasy” are
in London. I send
this letter in care
of Mr Robert Newman with a prayer that it
will reach you safely.
And to think that
this will be the first
opportunity I have to
tell you that I mar-
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div xml:id="letter_body_1" type="split"><p rend="indent-3-first" type="split">
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[3]</note>
lately. And now comes
<lb/>the program of your
<lb/>concert with <persName key="E0300848">Henry
<lb/>Wood</persName> at <orgName key="E0600220">Queen<reg>’</reg>s Hall</orgName>
<lb/>and the inferential
<lb/>news that you <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> the
<lb/><title key="E0400120" rend="dq-uu">Indian Fantasy</title> are
<lb/>in <placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName>. I send
<lb/>this letter in care
<lb/>of <persName key="E0300851">Mr Robert Newman</persName>
<lb/>with a prayer that it
<lb/>will reach you safely.</p>
<p type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">And to think that
<lb/>this will be the first
<lb/>opportunity I have to
<lb/>tell you that I mar
3Diplomatische Umschrift
ried in 1917, the painter,
Paul Burlin whom I met
in 1916 inNew Mexico while he was
on a sketching trip. It was his
first visit to the Far West & to
the land of the American Indian
& I naturally became much inter- ested in his impressions. I was
very much struck with his ap- proach to the new material. He
did not paint at all for many
weeks, saying that he must first
absorb, before he could express,
as he felt himself for the first
time in contact with a prime- val world and an ancient and
archaic people. I liked his
depth & earnestness & his artis- tic sincerity. His pictures were
very remarkable (his painting
“The Indian Mother” was shown
at the Luxembourg and at the
International Exhibition in Venice last spring) – I never before
saw any paintings of the
American aborigenes that reflected,
as his did, the soul of primitive
man. – Needless to relate,
our artistic sympathy was
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div xml:id="letter_body_1" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split">
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[2]</note>
ried in <date when-iso="1917">1917</date>, the painter,
<lb/><persName key="E0300450">Paul Burlin</persName> whom I met
<lb/>in <add place="above"><date when-iso="1916">1916</date> in</add> <placeName key="E0500919">New Mexico</placeName> while he was
<lb/>on a sketching trip. It was his
<lb/>first visit to <placeName key="E0500946">the Far West</placeName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> to
<lb/>the land of the <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> Indian
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> I naturally became much inter
<lb break="no"/>ested in his impressions. I was
<lb/>very much struck with his ap
<lb break="no"/>proach to the new material. He
<lb/>did not paint at all for many
<lb/>weeks, saying that he must first
<lb/>absorb, before he could express,
<lb/>as he felt himself for the first
<lb/>time in contact with a prime
<lb break="no"/>val world and an ancient and
<lb/>archaic people. I liked his
<lb/>depth <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> earnestness <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> his artis
<lb break="no"/>tic sincerity. His pictures were
<lb/>very remarkable (his painting
<lb/><title key="E0400656" rend="dq-uu">The Indian Mother</title> was shown
<lb/>at <orgName key="E0600214">the Luxembourg</orgName> and at the
<lb/><orgName key="E0600224">International Exhibition in <placeName key="E0500008">Venice</placeName></orgName>
<lb/>last spring) – I never before
<lb/>saw any paintings of the
<lb/><placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> aborig<choice><orig>e</orig><reg>i</reg></choice>nes that reflected,
<lb/>as his did, the soul of <hi rend="underline">primitive
<lb/>man</hi>. – Needless to relate,
<lb/>our artistic sympathy was
4Diplomatische Umschrift
B II, 1364
fatal! And we found it
impossible to keep our spirits
apart. We are completely
happy, as each builds into
the growth and developement
of the other. We have a
Studio apartment on
57th St. near Carnegie
Hall, & we own a
little Spanish house in
the ancient city of Santa
Fe, New Mexico. This
sounds more affluent
than thisis the silent fact, I
am sorry to say, as
painters have had a
hard financial strug-
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div xml:id="letter_body_1" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split">
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[4]</note>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top">B II, 1364</note>
fatal! And we found it
<lb/>impossible <add place="above">to</add> keep our spirits
<lb/>apart. We are completely
<lb/>happy, as each builds into
<lb/>the growth and develop<orig>e</orig>ment
<lb/>of the other. We have a
<lb/><rs key="E0500931"><choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>tudio apartment on
<lb/>57<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg> <choice><abbr>St<reg>r</reg>.</abbr><expan>Street</expan></choice></rs> near <orgName key="E0600221">Carnegie
<lb/>Hall</orgName>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> we own a
<lb/>little <placeName key="E0500663">Spanish</placeName> house in
<lb/>the ancient city of <placeName key="E0500908">Santa
<lb/>Fe</placeName>, <placeName key="E0500919">New Mexico</placeName>. This
<lb/><hi rend="underline">sounds</hi> more affluent
<lb/>than <subst><del rend="strikethrough">this</del><add place="above">is the</add></subst> silent fact, I
<lb/>am sorry to say, as
<lb/>painters have had a
<lb/>hard financial strug
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-left" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><supplied reason="incomplete">Sta</supplied>atsbibliothek
<lb/><supplied reason="low-ink"><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName></supplied>
Will you be coming over with Coates next season? –
The Mengelberg concerts have been very fine. How
I should love to hear the Maestro & Mengelberg together –
We are pining to
go abroad this summer.
My husband longs to
go to Spain. Can we
afford it? This, alas, is
the question! If you
know of any modest
place to stay, you who
have traveled the world
over – do give us ad- vice! – How I wish we
might all meet some- where. My husband would
love the Maestro’s compo- sitions! He is ultra-
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div xml:id="letter_body_1" type="split"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split">
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[5]</note>
gle in <placeName key="E0500093">America</placeName>, during,
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> since the war.</p>
<div xml:id="postscript">
<p rend="margin-left rotate(90) small">Will you be coming over with <persName key="E0300856">Coates</persName> next season? –
<!-- hat Busoni mit Coates musiziert? (in den USA?) -->
<lb/>The <persName key="E0300611">Mengelberg</persName> concerts have been very fine. How
<!-- welche Mengelberg-Konzerte? -->
<lb/>I should love to hear <rs key="E0300017">the Maestro</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300611">Mengelberg</persName>
<lb/><seg rend="align(center)">together –</seg></p>
<!-- (wann) sind Busoni und Mengelberg zusammen aufgetreten? -->
<div type="pre-split" xml:id="letter_body_2">
<p type="pre-split" rend="indent-2-first">We are <hi rend="underline">pining</hi> to
<lb/>go abroad this summer.
<lb/><rs key="E0300450">My husband</rs> longs to
<lb/>go to <placeName key="E0500663">Spain</placeName>. Can we
<lb/>afford it? <hi rend="underline">This</hi>, alas, is
<lb/>the question! If you
<lb/>know of any modest
<lb/>place to stay, you who
<lb/>have traveled the world
<lb/>over – do give us ad
<lb break="no"/>vice! – How I wish we
<lb/>might all meet some
<lb break="no"/>where. <rs key="E0300450">My husband</rs> would
<lb/>love <rs key="E0300017">the Maestro’s</rs> compo
<lb break="no"/>sitions! He is ultra
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-right" resp="#dsb_st_red" sameAs="#post_2">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName>
6Diplomatische Umschrift
modern in his own works, and being
intensely & most sensitively
devoted to music, he adores
ultra-modern music & has
been most interested in all
that I have told him of
Busoni’s writings. He went
to the concert of the Friends
of Music to hear the Maestro’s
work – I was ill, so he had
to listen for me! He was
enthusiastic about the whole
concert. I suppose you saw
the program? —
What is your address & where
will you be? I want to
send you my two last books.
Let me know where they would
reach you. Thank you so much
for your kind thoughtfulness
in sending me the program of
the London Symphony Concerts.
My husband’s recent pic- tures (two of them, & about a
dozen drawings) left about three
weeks ago for an exhibition in
London & Paris. If you get a
chance to see them, (some exhibitions of American art) I hope
you will do so. He is walking the
same path in paint that
[am linken Rand, längs:] the musical pioneers are treading in sound. Let me have some personal
news of you! What happened to your son, the sculptor? And where is
Rafael? I have been much in the Far West since you left, and have
lost track of people. Warmest greetings to you with – Monsieur et
Madame! Your affectionate friend
<div xmlns="" type="split"><div type="split" xml:id="letter_body_2"><p rend="indent-2-first" type="split">
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[6]</note>
modern in his own works, and being
<lb/>intensely <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> most sensitively
<lb/>devoted to music, he adores
<lb/>ultra-modern music <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> has
<lb/>been most interested in all
<lb/>that I have told him of
<lb/><persName key="E0300017">Busoni’s</persName> writings. He went
<lb/>to the concert of the <orgName key="E0600230">Friends
<lb/>of Music</orgName> to hear <rs key="E0400330">the <rs key="E0300017">Maestro’s</rs>
<lb/>work</rs> – I was ill, so he had
<lb/>to listen for me! He was
<lb/>enthusiastic about the whole
<lb/>concert. I suppose you saw
<lb/>the program?<orig> —</orig></p>
<p rend="indent-2-first">What is your address <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> where
<lb/>will you be? I want to
<lb/>send you <rs type="biblio" key="E0800419 E0800408">my two last books</rs>.
<!-- hat Busoni die Bücher bekommen? waren sie Teil der nachgelassenen Bibliothek? -->
<lb/>Let me know where they would
<lb/>reach you. Thank you so much
<lb/>for your kind thoughtfulness
<lb/>in sending me the program of
<lb/>the <orgName key="E0600223"><placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> Symphony</orgName> Concerts.</p>
<p rend="indent-2-first"><rs key="E0300450">My husband’s</rs> recent pic
<lb break="no"/>tures (two of them, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> about a
<lb/>dozen drawings) left about three
<lb/>weeks ago for an exhibition in
<lb/><placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <placeName key="E0500012">Paris</placeName>. If you get a
<!-- welche Ausstellungen? -->
<lb/>chance to see them<orig>,</orig> <add place="above">(some exhibitions of <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> art)</add><reg>,</reg> I hope
<lb/>you will do so. He is walking the
<lb/>same path in <hi rend="underline">paint</hi> that
<cb type="margin-left" rend="rotate(90)"/>
<seg rend="small">the musical pioneers are treading in <hi rend="underline">sound</hi>. Let me have some personal
<lb/>news of you! What happened to <rs key="E0300060">your son, the sculptor</rs>? And where is
<lb/><persName key="E0300153">Rafael</persName>? I have been much in <placeName key="E0500946">the Far West</placeName> since you left, and have
<lb/>lost track of people. <seg type="closer" subtype="salute">Warmest greetings to you with – <rs>Monsieur</rs> et
<lb/><seg rend="align(right)"><rs key="E0500059">Madame</rs>! Your affectionate friend</seg></seg></seg></p>
<signed rend="align(right) small"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed>
<ptr target="#letter_body_1"/>
<ptr target="#letter_body_2"/>
<ptr target="#postscript"/>
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz | Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv | Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni | Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1364 | olim:
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 17
Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in blauer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift
Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen und eine Foliierung vorgenommen hat
Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat
Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)
Bibliotheksstempel (blaue Tinte)
Poststempel (schwarze Tinte)
Unbekannte Hand, die auf dem Umschlag mit schwarzer Tinte die Londoner Adresse durchgestrichen und auf Vorder- und Rückseite die deutsche Nachsendeadresse notiert hat
Unbekannte Hand, die auf den Umschlag mit violettem Stift den Berliner Postbezirk geschrieben hat
Unbekannte Hand, die auf den Umschlag mit Blaustift eine große 60 notiert hat
Curtis hat Busonis Konzertprogramm-Nachricht aus London erhalten; berichtet von ihrer Begegnung mit dem Maler Paul Burlin 1916 und ihrer Heirat 1917; vergleicht die „ultra-moderne“ Malerei ihres Mannes mit Busonis Musik; würde im Sommer gerne nach Europa reisen; möchte Busoniihre letzten beiden Bücher zusenden; weist auf Ausstellungen mit Bildern ihres Mannes in London und Paris hin.
Brief von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 17. März 1921), bearbeitet von Rivka Orlitová, in: Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis, hrsg. von Christian Schaper und Ullrich Scheideler, Berlin: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 2023: Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, (22. Oktober 2023: in Korrekturphase)
Download der bereinigten Lesefassung im PDF-Dateiformat (.pdf)
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="D0101920">
<title xml:lang="de">Brief von Natalie Curtis an Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 17. März 1921)</title>
<title xml:lang="en">Letter by Natalie Curtis to Ferruccio Busoni (New York, 17 March 1921)</title>
<author key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</author>
<resp>Prepared by</resp>
<persName key="E0300837">
<resp>Digitization by</resp>
<orgName key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</orgName>
<publisher>Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher>
<date when-iso="2023-04"/>
<licence target="">Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
<title type="main">Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften</title>
<title type="genre">Briefe</title>
<title type="subseries" key="E010012">Briefwechsel Ferruccio Busoni – Natalie Curtis</title>
<editor key="E0300314">Christian Schaper</editor>
<editor key="E0300313">Ullrich Scheideler</editor>
<country key="DE">Deutschland</country>
<institution key="D-B">Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz</institution>
<repository>Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv</repository>
<collection>Nachlass Ferruccio Busoni</collection>
<idno>Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1364</idno>
<idno type="D-B.olim">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 17</idno>
<summary><persName key="E0300818">Curtis</persName> hat <persName key="E0300017">Busonis</persName> Konzertprogramm-Nachricht aus <placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> erhalten; berichtet von ihrer Begegnung mit dem Maler <persName key="E0300450">Paul Burlin</persName> <date when-iso="1916">1916</date> und ihrer Heirat <date when-iso="1917">1917</date>; vergleicht die <q>ultra-moderne</q> Malerei <rs key="E0300450">ihres Mannes</rs> mit <persName key="E0300017">Busonis</persName> Musik; würde im Sommer gerne nach <placeName key="E0500943">Europa</placeName> reisen; möchte <persName key="E0300017">Busoni</persName> <rs type="biblio" key="E0800419 E0800408">ihre letzten beiden Bücher</rs> zusenden; weist auf Ausstellungen mit Bildern <rs key="E0300450">ihres Mannes</rs> in <placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> und <placeName key="E0500012">Paris</placeName> hin.</summary>
<docDate><date when-iso="1921-03-17"/></docDate>
<docDate resp="#post" sameAs="#post_abs"><date when-iso="1921-03-30"/></docDate>
<incipit>The war certainly placed a wall</incipit>
<measure type="folio">4 Blatt</measure>
<measure type="pages">8 beschriebene Seiten</measure>
<collation>Seitenfolge: 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5</collation>
<condition>Brief und Umschlag sind gut erhalten.</condition>
<handNote xml:id="major_hand" scope="major" medium="blue_ink" scribe="author" scribeRef="#E0300818">Hand des Absenders Natalie Curtis, Brieftext in blauer Tinte, in lateinischer Schreibschrift</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive" scope="minor" medium="pencil" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der mit Bleistift die Signaturen eingetragen und eine Foliierung vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="archive_red" scope="minor" medium="red_pen" scribe="archivist">Hand des Archivars, der die Zuordnung innerhalb des Busoni-Nachlasses mit Rotstift vorgenommen hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="dsb_st_red" scope="minor" medium="red_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (rote Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="sbb_st_blue" scope="minor" medium="blue_ink" scribe="archivist">Bibliotheksstempel (blaue Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="post" scope="minor" medium="black_ink" scribe="postoffice">Poststempel (schwarze Tinte)</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="unknown_hand" scope="minor" medium="black_ink" scribe="unknown">Unbekannte Hand, die auf dem Umschlag mit schwarzer Tinte die Londoner Adresse durchgestrichen und auf Vorder- und Rückseite die deutsche Nachsendeadresse notiert hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="unknown_hand_violet" scope="minor" medium="violet_pen" scribe="unknown">Unbekannte Hand, die auf den Umschlag mit violettem Stift den Berliner Postbezirk geschrieben hat</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="unknown_hand_blue" scope="minor" medium="blue_pen" scribe="unknown">Unbekannte Hand, die auf den Umschlag mit Blaustift eine große 60 notiert hat</handNote>
<pb n="7"/>
<addrLine rend="left">Natalie Curtis</addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left"><placeName key="E0500931">106 West 57</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left"><placeName key="E0500031">New York City</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left">N. Y.</addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left"><placeName key="E0500093">U. S. A.</placeName></addrLine>
<note type="stamp" resp="#post" place="top-center">
<stamp rend="round border majuscule align(center)"><placeName key="E0500031">New York</placeName>, <placeName key="E0500871">N. Y.</placeName>
<lb/>4 <gap unit="word" atMost="2" reason="low-ink"/>
<lb/><date when-iso="1921">1921</date>
<note type="stamp" resp="#post" place="top-left">
<stamp xml:id="post_abs" rend="majuscule"><gap reason="illegible"/>
<lb/>2.15 <gap reason="illegible"/>
<lb/><date when-iso="1921-03-30">30 Mar 21</date>
<fw place="top-center" rend="square border align(center) majuscule">
<lb/>your mail
<lb/>street and
<note type="annotation" place="center" resp="#unknown_hand_blue" rend="huge">60</note>
<note type="annotation" place="margin-right" resp="#unknown_hand_violet"><hi rend="underline"><placeName key="E0500930">W30</placeName></hi></note>
<addrLine rend="center"><persName key="E0300017">Busoni</persName> .Esq</addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left" resp="#unknown_hand"><placeName key="E0500072">Viktoria-Luise Platz 11</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="center"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive">In care <persName key="E0300851">Robert Newman</persName></del></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="indent-5"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive">Manager-</del></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="left" resp="#unknown_hand"><placeName key="E0500029">Berlin</placeName>. <placeName key="E0500015" rend="majuscule">Germany</placeName>.</addrLine>
<addrLine rend="center"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive"><orgName key="E0600231"><placeName key="E0500974">Queen’s Hall</placeName> Orchestra</orgName></del></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="center"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive"><placeName key="E0500975">320 Regent St.</placeName></del></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="center"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive"><hi rend="underline"><placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName></hi> W 5</del></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="center"><del rend="strikethrough" resp="#archive">England</del></addrLine>
<pb n="8"/>
<note type="annotation" resp="#unknown_hand" place="right" rend="rotate(90) align(right) majuscule">
<addrLine><placeName key="E0500072">Viktoria-Luise
<addrLine><hi rend="underline"><placeName key="E0500029">Berlin</placeName></hi></addrLine>
<addrLine><hi rend="underline"><placeName key="E0500015">Germany</placeName></hi></addrLine>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="bottom-left">
<del rend="strikethrough">
<stamp resp="#sbb_st_blue">Nachlaß Busoni <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II</stamp>
Mus.ep. N. Curtis 17
<add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1364-Beil.</add>
<origPlace key="E0500031">New York</origPlace>
<origDate when-iso="1921-03-17"/>
<p>Erfassung von Briefen und Schriften von Ferruccio Busoni, ausgehend von Busonis Nachlass in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin · Preußischer Kulturbesitz.</p>
<hyphenation eol="hard" rend="sh">
<p>Worttrennungen an Zeilenumbrüchen im Original mit einfachen Bindestrichen.</p>
<punctuation marks="all" placement="external">
<p>Alle im Text vorkommenden Interpunktionszeichen wurden beibehalten und werden in der diplomatischen Umschrift wiedergegeben. Bei Auszeichnung durch XML-Elemente wurden umgebende Satzzeichen nicht mit einbezogen.</p>
<quotation marks="none">
<p>Anführungszeichen wurden i. d. R. nicht beibehalten; die Art der Zeichen wurde im Attribut <att>rend</att> der entsprechenden Elemente codiert.</p>
<p>Die Übertragung folgt den Editionsrichtlinien des Projekts. <ptr target=""/></p>
<correspDesc ref="">
<correspAction type="sent">
<persName ref="" key="E0300818">Curtis, Natalie</persName>
<date when="1921-03-17"/>
<placeName ref="" key="E0500031">New York</placeName>
<correspAction type="received">
<persName ref="" key="E0300017">Busoni, Ferruccio</persName>
<ref type="previous" target="#D0101923"/>
<ref type="next" target="#D0101921"/>
<language ident="en"/>
<revisionDesc status="proposed">
<change when-iso="2023-04-15" who="#E0300314">Datei per Skript angelegt, status todo</change>
<change when-iso="2023-08-22" who="#E0300837">Datei zur Korrektur vorgeschlagen</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-07" who="#E0300314">Transkription und Regularisierung durchgesehen</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-10" who="#E0300314">Codierung letter body durchgesehen</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-14" who="#E0300314">teiHeader durchgesehen</change>
<change when-iso="2023-10-22" who="#E0300314">Kommentarredaktion, fehlende Entitäten</change>
<facsimile sameAs="">
<graphic n="1" url=""/>
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<graphic n="8" url=""/>
<text type="letter">
<div type="transcription">
<div xml:id="letter_body_1">
<pb n="1"/>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top-center">
<del rend="strikethrough">Mus.ep. N. Curtis 17 (Busoni-Nachl. <handShift new="#archive_red"/>B II<handShift new="#archive"/>)</del>
<add place="below">Mus.Nachl. F. Busoni B II, 1364</add>
<note type="pagination" resp="#archive" place="top-right" rend="space-below">[1]</note>
<addrLine rend="indent-2"><placeName key="E0500931">106 West 57.</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="indent-3"><placeName key="E0500031">New York</placeName></addrLine>
<addrLine rend="indent-4"><placeName key="E0500093">U.S.A.</placeName></addrLine>
<dateline rend="indent-4 space-below"><date when-iso="1921-03-17">March 17<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg> 1921</date></dateline>
<salute rend="indent">My dear long-lost friends!</salute>
<p rend="indent-3-first">The war certainly
<lb/>placed a wall between
<lb/><rs key="E0500942">this far continent</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> those
<lb/>who dwelt on the other
<lb/>side. Some word of you
<lb/>I had from <persName key="E0300847">Richard
<lb/>Buhlig</persName>:<supplied reason="omitted"><metamark function="footnote" n="1">*</metamark></supplied>
<note type="footnote" n="1" place="margin-left" rend="rotate(-90)">
<metamark>*</metamark> who is now happily established with the
<lb/><orgName key="E0600222"><placeName key="E0500037">Los Angeles</placeName> Philharmonic</orgName> (<persName key="E0300849">Rothwell</persName>, conductor)
<lb/>lecturing and writing and playing and teach
<lb break="no"/>ing.
but he had
<lb/>not seen you at all
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-left" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out"><supplied reason="illegible">Berlin</supplied></hi></placeName>
<pb n="2"/>
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[3]</note>
lately. And now comes
<!-- Näheres zum Verhältnis Busoni–Buhlig, letzter Kontakt? -->
<lb/>the program of your
<!-- ist das zugehörige Schreiben Busonis überliefert? -->
<!-- ist das Programm Teil des Busoni-Nachlasses? -->
<lb/>concert with <persName key="E0300848">Henry
<lb/>Wood</persName> at <orgName key="E0600220">Queen<reg>’</reg>s Hall</orgName>
<!-- Angaben zum Konzert? -->
<lb/>and the inferential
<lb/>news that you <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> the
<lb/><title key="E0400120" rend="dq-uu">Indian Fantasy</title> are
<lb/>in <placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName>. I send
<lb/>this letter in care
<lb/>of <persName key="E0300851">Mr Robert Newman</persName>
<lb/>with a prayer that it
<lb/>will reach you safely.</p>
<p rend="indent-2-first">And to think that
<lb/>this will be the first
<lb/>opportunity I have to
<lb/>tell you that I mar
<pb n="3" break="no"/>
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[2]</note>
ried in <date when-iso="1917">1917</date>, the painter,
<lb/><persName key="E0300450">Paul Burlin</persName> whom I met
<lb/>in <add place="above"><date when-iso="1916">1916</date> in</add> <placeName key="E0500919">New Mexico</placeName> while he was
<lb/>on a sketching trip. It was his
<lb/>first visit to <placeName key="E0500946">the Far West</placeName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> to
<lb/>the land of the <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> Indian
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> I naturally became much inter
<lb break="no"/>ested in his impressions. I was
<lb/>very much struck with his ap
<lb break="no"/>proach to the new material. He
<lb/>did not paint at all for many
<lb/>weeks, saying that he must first
<lb/>absorb, before he could express,
<lb/>as he felt himself for the first
<lb/>time in contact with a prime
<lb break="no"/>val world and an ancient and
<lb/>archaic people. I liked his
<lb/>depth <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> earnestness <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> his artis
<lb break="no"/>tic sincerity. His pictures were
<lb/>very remarkable (his painting
<lb/><title key="E0400656" rend="dq-uu">The Indian Mother</title> was shown
<lb/>at <orgName key="E0600214">the Luxembourg</orgName> and at the
<lb/><orgName key="E0600224">International Exhibition in <placeName key="E0500008">Venice</placeName></orgName>
<lb/>last spring) – I never before
<lb/>saw any paintings of the
<lb/><placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> aborig<choice><orig>e</orig><reg>i</reg></choice>nes that reflected,
<lb/>as his did, the soul of <hi rend="underline">primitive
<lb/>man</hi>. – Needless to relate,
<lb/>our artistic sympathy was
<pb n="4"/>
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[4]</note>
<note type="shelfmark" resp="#archive" place="top">B II, 1364</note>
fatal! And we found it
<lb/>impossible <add place="above">to</add> keep our spirits
<lb/>apart. We are completely
<lb/>happy, as each builds into
<lb/>the growth and develop<orig>e</orig>ment
<lb/>of the other. We have a
<lb/><rs key="E0500931"><choice><orig>S</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>tudio apartment on
<lb/>57<seg rend="sup underline">th</seg> <choice><abbr>St<reg>r</reg>.</abbr><expan>Street</expan></choice></rs> near <orgName key="E0600221">Carnegie
<lb/>Hall</orgName>, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> we own a
<lb/>little <placeName key="E0500663">Spanish</placeName> house in
<lb/>the ancient city of <placeName key="E0500908">Santa
<lb/>Fe</placeName>, <placeName key="E0500919">New Mexico</placeName>. This
<lb/><hi rend="underline">sounds</hi> more affluent
<lb/>than <subst><del rend="strikethrough">this</del><add place="above">is the</add></subst> silent fact, I
<lb/>am sorry to say, as
<lb/>painters have had a
<lb/>hard financial strug
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-left" resp="#dsb_st_red">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><supplied reason="incomplete">Sta</supplied>atsbibliothek
<lb/><supplied reason="low-ink"><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName></supplied>
<pb n="5" break="no"/>
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[5]</note>
gle in <placeName key="E0500093">America</placeName>, during,
<lb/><choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> since the war.</p>
<div xml:id="postscript">
<p rend="margin-left rotate(90) small">Will you be coming over with <persName key="E0300856">Coates</persName> next season? –
<!-- hat Busoni mit Coates musiziert? (in den USA?) -->
<lb/>The <persName key="E0300611">Mengelberg</persName> concerts have been very fine. How
<!-- welche Mengelberg-Konzerte? -->
<lb/>I should love to hear <rs key="E0300017">the Maestro</rs> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <persName key="E0300611">Mengelberg</persName>
<lb/><seg rend="align(center)">together –</seg></p>
<!-- (wann) sind Busoni und Mengelberg zusammen aufgetreten? -->
<div xml:id="letter_body_2">
<p rend="indent-2-first">We are <hi rend="underline">pining</hi> to
<lb/>go abroad this summer.
<lb/><rs key="E0300450">My husband</rs> longs to
<lb/>go to <placeName key="E0500663">Spain</placeName>. Can we
<lb/>afford it? <hi rend="underline">This</hi>, alas, is
<lb/>the question! If you
<!-- Europa-Reisen des Paars: wann, wohin? -->
<lb/>know of any modest
<lb/>place to stay, you who
<lb/>have traveled the world
<lb/>over – do give us ad
<lb break="no"/>vice! – How I wish we
<lb/>might all meet some
<lb break="no"/>where. <rs key="E0300450">My husband</rs> would
<lb/>love <rs key="E0300017">the Maestro’s</rs> compo
<lb break="no"/>sitions! He is ultra
<note type="stamp" place="bottom-right" resp="#dsb_st_red" sameAs="#post_2">
<stamp rend="round border align(center) small">
<lb/><placeName key="E0500029"><hi rend="spaced-out">Berlin</hi></placeName>
<pb n="6" break="no"/>
<note type="pagination" place="top-left" resp="#archive">[6]</note>
modern in his own works, and being
<lb/>intensely <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> most sensitively
<lb/>devoted to music, he adores
<lb/>ultra-modern music <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> has
<lb/>been most interested in all
<lb/>that I have told him of
<lb/><persName key="E0300017">Busoni’s</persName> writings. He went
<lb/>to the concert of the <orgName key="E0600230">Friends
<lb/>of Music</orgName> to hear <rs key="E0400330">the <rs key="E0300017">Maestro’s</rs>
<lb/>work</rs> – I was ill, so he had
<!-- welches Konzert, welches Busoni-Werk? siehe Roberge 1995-->
<lb/>to listen for me! He was
<lb/>enthusiastic about the whole
<lb/>concert. I suppose you saw
<lb/>the program?<orig> —</orig></p>
<p rend="indent-2-first">What is your address <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> where
<lb/>will you be? I want to
<lb/>send you <rs type="biblio" key="E0800419 E0800408">my two last books</rs>.
<!-- hat Busoni die Bücher bekommen? waren sie Teil der nachgelassenen Bibliothek? -->
<lb/>Let me know where they would
<lb/>reach you. Thank you so much
<lb/>for your kind thoughtfulness
<lb/>in sending me the program of
<lb/>the <orgName key="E0600223"><placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> Symphony</orgName> Concerts.</p>
<p rend="indent-2-first"><rs key="E0300450">My husband’s</rs> recent pic
<lb break="no"/>tures (two of them, <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> about a
<lb/>dozen drawings) left about three
<lb/>weeks ago for an exhibition in
<lb/><placeName key="E0500047">London</placeName> <choice><abbr>&</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice> <placeName key="E0500012">Paris</placeName>. If you get a
<!-- welche Ausstellungen? -->
<lb/>chance to see them<orig>,</orig> <add place="above">(some exhibitions of <placeName key="E0500942">American</placeName> art)</add><reg>,</reg> I hope
<lb/>you will do so. He is walking the
<lb/>same path in <hi rend="underline">paint</hi> that
<cb type="margin-left" rend="rotate(90)"/>
<seg rend="small">the musical pioneers are treading in <hi rend="underline">sound</hi>. Let me have some personal
<lb/>news of you! What happened to <rs key="E0300060">your son, the sculptor</rs>? And where is
<lb/><persName key="E0300153">Rafael</persName>? I have been much in <placeName key="E0500946">the Far West</placeName> since you left, and have
<lb/>lost track of people. <seg type="closer" subtype="salute">Warmest greetings to you with – <rs>Monsieur</rs> et
<lb/><seg rend="align(right)"><rs key="E0500059">Madame</rs>! Your affectionate friend</seg></seg></seg></p>
<signed rend="align(right) small"><persName key="E0300818">Natalie Curtis</persName>.</signed>
<ptr target="#letter_body_1"/>
<ptr target="#letter_body_2"/>
<ptr target="#postscript"/>